Yoga Fitness Fusion for strength, flexibility, balance, calmness and relaxation. Places :
  • Yoga Fitness Fusion (1 hour) is a blend of several yoga styles (Hatha, Vinyasa Flow, Power, YogaBall) inspired of other fitness regimens (pilates, strength training, dance etc.)
  • Sessions follow the typical yoga class structure (short meditation, breathing exercises, warm up, asanas/exercises and relaxation) and encourage the use of props and other relevant equipment.
  • Some of the main benefits include the increase of strength, flexibility, energy and stamina and the improvement of body alignment, breathing habits, cardio and circulatory health.
  • Furthermore, yoga enhances the ability to stay focused and it creates mental clarity and calmness. Last but not least, regular yoga practice increases the body and self-awareness.
Kids Yoga Workshops (1 hour)
  • Constitute a creative, educational and entertaining exercise program, especially created based on children’s needs to move, play, have fun and discover the world and themselves.
  • The workshops consist of suitable asanas and exercises, as well as breathing techniques, accompanied with music, story-telling, games and lots of other creative activities.
  • Kids yoga offers a unique body and mind experience, promotes a none competitive environment, encourages children to meet new friends, collaborate and co-exist with them, learn their bodies and selves and also, build self-confidence.
  • There is no need to say that yoga is beneficial for maintaining and improving the body’s strength, mobility, flexibility and balance, whereas it helps children to understand and appreciate the meaning of relaxation and calmness.
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