How To Create Your First Listing on Activitygogo

Adding your listing on Activitygogo is quick and easy. Once you start the process, all you need to do is follow the instructions on your screen. Our system will guide you through the process. The exact steps you will need to go through are explained in the guide below.

1. Sign in or Create an account

Sign in or Create a New Account by clicking here:

Log in or create a new account activity go go

2. Verify your Email

You should receive an automatic email asking you to verify your email. All you need to do is click on the provided link in that email to automatically verify your email.

3. Choose your Listing Type

Now your account is set up you are ready to add your listing. You can click the button “Add Listing” or follow this link:

You will see 3 options for listing types: Activity Provider / Event / Special Offer. You can read the definitions for each one on that page to understand which one is appropriate for you. Click to select your chosen listing type.

You can link all events and special offers to your main “Activity Provider” listing.

Add your listing on Activitygogo

4. Choose a Package

On the next screen that appears, click select on the listing package you wish to order, e.g. Free Listing Plan.

select payment packages

5. Your Listing Details

Depending on the listing type and package you selected, a form will appear with predefined fields you need to fill in. You can use the sections on the left to navigate the form or simply scroll down. Complete the form and click the Preview button at the bottom of the form. Alternatively you can click “Skip Preview and Submit” to go straight to step 7 (Checkout) and place your order.

Your listing details

6. Submit Listing

When your preview loads you will see a button “Submit Listing” Click on submit listing to proceed. If you previously selected “Skip Preview and Submit” you can ignore this step and go to step 7 (Checkout) to place your order.

Submit listing after preview

7. Place your Order

After clicking submit you will be directed to checkout to place your order. If you have selected the Free plan it will only ask you to complete your name and address, no credit card details needed. Complete the required fields marked with a star, accept the terms and conditions and click on Place Order.

Checkout place your order

8. You are Done!

Your listing will now be visible on your account here: and it will be marked as “Pending Approval”. Once we review and approve it, your listing will be live on Activitygogo and you will be able to start receiving requests from those interested in your services. 


Note: Once you go through these steps you will be able to edit your listing further directly via your Account>My Listings. Even after your listing is approved, you will still be able to edit your listing as many times as you wish.


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